Peer Review Policy

Abstracts considered for publication are subject to peer-review. The process followed by the Abstracts in Medicine is generally double-blind peer review but we may publish peer reviewers’ names by the end of the year to acknowledge their service. Editors are the first to review the abstract. The abstract can be rejected by the editor due to the content not according to the subject matter or because of its low quality. Abstracts which are suitable are then transferred to two experts who are relevant to the field of the abstract. There is no connection between the peer reviewers. They are unknown to each other. The abstract is further classified by the reviewer as publishable directly, publishable with some changes and developments or rejected. Reviewer’s analysis usually includes the comments on the abstract. Editor checks the comments and then forwards the abstract to the author if required or decides to accept it for publishing.


Anything which is not followed according to the given process is defended by the editors. The decision of the editor should not be changed until and unless some serious issues occur.


A guidance should be published to both, the author and the reviewer on any query expected from them. There should be a regular update on this guidance.


Additional information is available under the link Editorial & Peer Review Process at Abstracts in Medicine website.